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Ostriches weigh the heaviest eggs of any bird, so ostrich eggs are heavier.

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Q: Who is eggs are heavier goose or ostrich?
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What do Goose look like?

They are big and kinda white.It is bigger than chicken eggs but smaller than ostrich eggs

What are all the different eggs that humans can eat?

Chicken, duck, goose, ostrich - not a definitive list. Caviar.

What do duck eggs feel like?

They feel the same as chicken eggs or goose eggs or bird eggs or ostrich eggs or anything, only they're the same size as a chicken egg.

What goose legs called?

Goose eggs are called eggs (the same as chicken eggs are still eggs)

Where can you buy ostrich eggs in Israel?

From an ostrich seller

How many babies does ostrich have?

Each ostrich usually lays a different amount of eggs. On average, an ostrich lay about 11 eggs that will hatch.

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What birds lays really big eggs?


What is the largest eggs in the world?

It WAS the ostrich egg, but one of the dinosaurs' eggs (which was also an ostrich) and it is called Arpeggionist.

Do goose eggs taste like chicken eggs?

NO! goose eggs are a little sweeter and are obviously larger.

How do ostrich have?

They lay eggs

How long can you keep an ostrich egg?

ostrich can sit very long time in her eggs. sometimes ostrich sit on her eggs until it hatch.