

Who is indias first national president?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Dr.Mahatma Gandi

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Q: Who is indias first national president?
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July 22, 1947

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What was the first political party to rule India?

Indian National congress it was established in 1885 with a.o hume as its president it was behind the movement for indias struggle for freedom even when it was out of power it was a strong opposition and has dissolved many a govt. There is a link below.

Who is the first president of national congress?

Womesh Chandra Banarjee is the first president of Indian National Congress(INC).

Who became the first national president and vice president?

Washington was elected the first President, Adams the first Vice President.

Who became the national first President and Vice President?

Washington was elected the first President, Adams the first Vice President.