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Q: Who is known as the weeping prophet in the bible?
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What Bible character was know as the weeping prophet?


Nick names for Jeremiah in the old testament in the Bible?

eremiah the prophet is often called as the weeping prophet.

Was Jeremiah a profit?

Yes, Jeremiah was a prophet in the Hebrew Bible known for his prophecies of judgment and restoration to the Israelites. He is considered one of the major prophets in Judaism and Christianity.

Who was jereimiah?

Jeremiah is a major prophet in the old testament, often called the weeping prophet.

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Haggai was a prophet in the Bible, not much is known about his occupation outside of his prophetic ministry.

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It was Prophet Isa (as). Injil is also known as the Bible.

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He is also known as Prophet Abraham in the Bible

Where can you find in the bible where the prophet Isaiah was cut in half?

There is no mention in the Bible of the prophet Isaiah being cut in half. The prophet Isaiah is known for his prophecies and teachings contained in the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament.

Which prophet that is described as a gloomy sort who always had a sad report?

This is probably Jeremiah. Jeremiah is known as the 'weeping prophet' because he was grieved at the sin of his people and their leaders. He was pleading and imploring them to return to God to avoid the destructive path they were on.

Who was the last prophet of the bible?

The last prophet in the Bible is traditionally considered to be John the Apostle, who authored the Book of Revelation. He is also known as John of Patmos and is believed to have been exiled to the island of Patmos when he received the visions that are recorded in the Book of Revelation.

Where weeping angels known before Doctor Who?

No the weeping angels weren't known before doctor who

How prophet Jeremiah preached?

The prophet jeremiah is often refered to as the weeping prophet, he constantly told the Jews to repent and follow god, and not sinful people and idols.