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If you are At Fault, you!

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Q: Who is liable for repairs if you hit a cyclist?
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Who at fault when parelle parking cause an accident?

Same as if your not parallel parking. Whoever it was that hit the other car is liable for the damages and repairs.

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i was rear ended in a 3 car pile up on the highway, whos insurance is liable for my car repairs

Who's fault is it if you crack open your car door and a bicycle hits it?

The cyclist should have been being more careful, along with the motorist. -- ANSWER -- Probably yours. If the cyclist was coming from behind and the bicycle didn't hit the back of the car then it would not have hit the door if it had stayed shut. If the cyclist was coming from the front, and didn't hit the front of the car then it would not have hit the door, if it had not been opened. (I'm a cyclist, and I'm presuming that the cyclist was capable of maintaining a generally straight line.) If the cyclist had to swerve out of his path to avoid another person or vehicle and hit you, then it might have been either the cyclist, or the other person/vehicle, which was at fault. If, however, you just didn't check for oncoming traffic, then it is totally your fault. You say "you crack your door open" - just how far open was it?

If a tree does property damage who is liable?

Mother Nature would be the liable party, Unfortunately, she does not carry insurance. If your property is insured, Then your property Insurance Policy will cover the cost of damage repairs.

If a car hits a bicycle and the car is damaged but the cyclist is ticketed by police who pays for car repairs?

You shouldn't that's bad for your pet!!!!! <3 Hannah

Who is responsible for repairs when an object flies out of a pick-up truck and shatters your windshield?

The owner of the truck would be liable.

When a car is sold to you and the seller hid information from you is he liable for any of the repairs?

Without a legal contract it is "Buyer Beware" or "Sold as is".

Who is liable my car was hit while doing a you turn?

You are.

What insurance company is liable if a pedestrain is hit by a car?

The driver who hit the pedestrian is liable, not their insurance company. The drivers insurance company will normally be responsible for payment of valid claims up to the policy limits for which the their insured driver is found liable.

If an employee's car parked in an assigned location is hit by a golf ball is the golf course liable for the damage?

No, the golfer is liable

My car was hit but no police report was made who should be liable?

The person who hit you if it wasn't your fault.

If i hit someone and they go to the hospital and get surgery cause of my hit am i reliable for their death?

Liable? Yes, you are.