

Who is liable if parts are sold from a repossed car?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The person or company that repossed it.

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Q: Who is liable if parts are sold from a repossed car?
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I paid for a used car I do not have possession I don't want the car am I liable?

If The Car Is In Your Name , You Are Liable !! Unless You Have Legal Proof You Sold It.

What if i sold my car and now 4 months later its engine blew am i liable?

No, You are not liable.

My question concerns if your car is repossed in the state of New York. Can anyone tell me how long does one have to reclaim their car before is is sold for aution?

until the car reaches it value in fees

When a car is sold to you and the seller hid information from you is he liable for any of the repairs?

Without a legal contract it is "Buyer Beware" or "Sold as is".

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How do get your repossed car back in Arizona?

Pay what you owe.

Can my car get repossed from a private parking lot?

Yes, it can.

How do you find out who repossed your car?

The lender who holds the note on your car, is the one that repossessed your car.

Your car was repossessed how can you get your car back?

If your was repossed you need to call the car company and pay your car

Can a military members car be repossed?

Anyone's car can be "repossessed" if they don't make their car payment.....

What happens if I can't payoff my car by the maturity date?

get repossed

Can auto insurance be purchased for months that have already passed to avoid paying lienholder more money?

No, the lienholder usually forces insurance on you car and you are liable for the premium. When you purchase your own insurance they will take the difference from the premium off of your balance, but you will still be liable to pay for the months that you were not insured. I recomend you hurry and get insurance on your car. The insurance your bank provides is no good, not only that, but you can risk having your car repossed if it is not insured.