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Miep Gies was born Hermoine Sanstrousitch in Vienna. At the age of six, her parents, out of concern for the famine going on in VIenna, did as many other parents did at that time and sent her to live with a Dutch family. She thrived there, and by the time she went back to see her parents just a few years later, she said that she was "already thoroughly Dutch". Otto Frank originaly hired her as a quality control person (she handled complaints about the product) and eventually made her a full secretary in the company - she was able to run the office with him away, if neccesary. After the Nazi occupation, Otto decided to hide his family in the rooms upstairs at the back of his office building. He explained to her the risk she was taking, and she brushed it off, saying later "I would not have considered for one second not helping them". She became their lifeline (along with the other employees, and her husband Jan). In theory, anyone caught hiding Jews could be summarily shot, though the usual penalty was more along the lines of 4-6 months in a work camp. She never considered herself a hero - though everyone else did.

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Q: Who is miep and how did she risk her life for the franks?
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Otto Franks assistant.

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miep gies. i think

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her name is miep and she is one of the people who helped the franks

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At the end of the day

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no one did miep (the person who took the franks in) found it just after the beytrail

What was the shelter called where miep gies hid the franks?

the secret annex

What role did miep gies play in the holocaust?

She was one of the Franks helpers.

Who was the lady who hid the franks?

Miep Gies. Her and Anne Frank's father were the "survivors". Miep Gies. Her and Anne Frank's father were the "survivors".

What dangers did miep gies and the other office workers confront in helping the franks and van daans hide?

Miep Gies and the other office workers faced the risk of arrest, imprisonment, and even death for helping the Franks and the Van Daans hide. They were defying the Nazi occupation and putting their own lives at risk to provide food, supplies, and news from the outside world to the hidden families. Their actions required discretion, secrecy, and courage in the face of severe consequences.