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The 4 helpers that helped the Frank family were Miep Gies, Victor Kugler, Bep Voskuijl, and Johannes Kleiman. Miep Gies was the main helper, but the others helped also.

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Q: Who were there four people who helped the franks when they were in the annex?
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Who were the four people who helped the franks when they were in the annex?

yr mom, dad, grama&grampa hoe!

A secretary who helped to hide the Franks?

Miep Gies was the secretary who helped to hide the Frank family, along with four others, in a secret annex during World War II. She risked her life to provide them with food, supplies, and emotional support until their discovery by the Nazis in 1944. Her actions have been widely recognized for preserving Anne Frank's diary and sharing their story with the world.

How many rooms were there in the franks hiding?

The Frank family, including Anne Frank, hid in a hidden annex that contained a total of four small rooms. They lived in cramped quarters for over two years during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

Who were the people who knew Anne Frank was in hiding?

Anne Frank, her family, and four others were the only individuals who knew about their hiding place in the Secret Annex during the Holocaust. Those individuals were Otto Frank (Anne's father), Edith Frank (Anne's mother), Margot Frank (Anne's sister), Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels (Hermann and Auguste's son), Fritz Pfeffer, and Miep Gies, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, and Bep Voskuijl, who helped hide the Franks.

Describe four sounds you heard outside of the annex?


How many of otto franks employees helped by providing clothes and food?

Around four to five employees of Otto Frank helped by providing clothes and food to the Frank family while they were hiding during World War II.

What are the four germanic groups?

The Scandinavians, the Goths, the Franks, and the Teutons.

Who are the four helper involved in assisting the franks?

john d and as

Who did Meip hide?

Miep Gies hid Anne Frank, her family, and four other Jews in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam during World War II.

What trigger the franks sudden departure?

Anne's parents had been plannning to go into hiding for a while, but they didn't tell the kids. It wasn't until July 1942, when Margot (Anne's older sister) got a call-up notice ordering her to work in a camp, that they had to change plans. On the morning of 6 July 1942, weeks ealier than they had expected, the Franks moved into their hiding spot, well known as The Secret Annex. They lived there with four other people until August 4th 1944, when they were discovered by the Nazis.

How did the four helpers assist the franks family?

They would give them food and other supplies.

Why were the 4 other people living in the secret annex invited to live there?

The four other people invited to live in the secret annex were Otto Frank's business associates who he asked to join them in hiding to increase their chances of survival and provide additional help and support to the group during their time in hiding.