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her friends are Sour Susan, Lovely Linda, Lazy Linda and herself

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Q: Who is moody margrets best friend?
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When was The Best of The Moody Blues created?

The Best of The Moody Blues was created in 1964.

Why is your friend so moody?

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If your friend is moody, try to be understanding and patient. Give them space if they need it, but let them know you're there to talk and support them if they want to. Avoid taking their moodiness personally and reassure them that you're there for them no matter what.

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Why british boys are so moody and how to handle them?

what? i have never heard of this! i am best friends with two British boys and they arent moody.

What do you do if you have a friend that is very moody?

You try to get whatever is on their mind that is making them sad out. try to make them laugh and talk it out with them.

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Watching and waiting for a friend to understand them, and share their time with.

What should you do if you have a lousy friend?

If your friend is selfish; self centered; nasty or moody then this is not a friend, but a toxic relationship and you should end the friendship. If this person was a good friend at one time and has become moody; not there for you; seems sad or depressed then as a good friend you should ask your friend what the problem is and that perhaps you can help. Good friends don't end friendships when the going gets tough off and on. You have to make the decision as to whether to face this problem with your friend head on or realize it's a toxic relationship and end the friendship.

Days of Future Passed was a best selling album for?

The Moody Blues

Who's the author of a book called The Best of Friends my friend showed me part of it and the scene had some violent scenes like the girl Jesse cut of this girls fingers and shot the other girl's head?

Martha Moody