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Q: Who is noted as the creator the story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
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How was Rudolph the reindeer originated?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was created by Robert L. May in 1939. May worked for a company called Montgomery Ward that distributed coloring books in department stores every Christmas. As a way to save money, they decided to make their own original story booklets, for which May was asked to create. He went through different names, such as Rollo and Reginald, before settling on Rudolph. His brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, would later create the popular song. It has been noted that the story is quite different from the song and movies. For instance, Rudolph was not originally one of Santa's reindeer. He was just a regular reindeer (besides his nose, of course) living with his parents in a loving home. Santa found him while out delivering presents on a foggy Christmas Eve night.

Why did Father Christmas need Rudolf the Reindeer to use his large growing nose to guide his sleigh?

First, it should be noted that this is a myth, a popular legend that has been told for several hundred years. It is a story about Santa Claus (or Father Christmas) flying through the sky in a magical sleigh, pulled by reindeer, to bring gifts to children all over the world. In the original telling, popularized in a poem called 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, there was no reindeer with a red nose; there were eight reindeer, and they all pulled the sleigh. A ninth reindeer, Rudolph, was added later-- in the 1930s, when a hit song about "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" made him part of the story. But whether he was original to the story or not, the purpose of the reindeer with the nose that was "glowing" (not "growing") was to help Santa/Father Christmas see the homes with the good children, so that he could make sure they received their Christmas gifts.

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