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Gaea and Ouranos.

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Q: Who is oceanus father and mother?
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Who are metis's parents?

Her father is Oceanus and her mother is Tethys.

Who were Oceanus's parents?

Gaea and Uranus, Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Who were the mother and father of nemesis?

Nyx is most often related as the mother of Nemesis, when she has a father is is Erebus. Or of Oceanus. Zeus is also mentioned as her father.

Who was Amphitrite' grandpa?

If her father IS Nereus and her mother is Doris her grandfather by Nereus would be the sea god Pontos; on her mothers side it would be Oceanus. If however, her father IS Oceanus and her mother is Tethys, her grandfather in both sides would be Ouranus primal god of heaven.

Daughter of oceanus and tethys who was the mother?

Tethys was the mother of the Oceanides, who were three thousand goddess nymphs.Numbered among them are the Nephelae, the cloud or rain nymphs.Oceanus was their father.

Why was oceanus a bad titan?

Oceanus was not a bad Titan, in fact when his brothers rebelled against their father Ouranos; Oceanus was the only one of his sons who did not assist in overthrowing their father's rule.

Who was the mother of oceanus and tethys?


What are the offspring of Mother Earth and Father Heaven called in Greek Mythology?

The off-spring of Gaia and Uranus - mother earth and father heaven- were Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion and Themis. Let it also be stated that Uranus was also her soon as well as husband

Daughter of Oceanus mother of Prometheus and wife of lapetus was who?


Was medea a god?

A goddess; this is likely, as her father Aeetes is the child of Helios the Titan god of the sun, and his mother is Perse, Oceanid nymph (a daughter of Oceanus Tethys); the mother of Medea is Eidyia/Idyia another Oceanid nymph.

Was Tethys the mother of Metis?

Yes; Metis was the daughter of Tethys and Oceanus.

Who is related to Hermes?

Zeus his father. Hera, Hestia, Demeter, his aunts. Hades and Poseidon, his uncles. Rhea his grandmother (mother of Zeus). Cronus his grandfather (father of Zeus). Gaea his great grandmother (grandmother of Zeus, mother of Rhea and Cronus) Ouranus his great grandfather (grandfather of Zeus, mother of Rhea and Cronus) - Maia, his mother (counted among the Pleiades) Pleiades (*seven): Teygata, Elektra, Alkyone, Asterope, Kelaino, and Merope, his aunts. Hyades (*five): Ambrosia, Eudora, and Aesyle Idothea, Althaea, and Adraste; Philia, Coronis, and Cleis Phaesyle, Coronis, Cleeia, Phaeote, and Eudora. Ambrosia, Eudora, Pedile, Coronis, Polyxo, Phyto, and Thyone, or Dione. Hesperides (*seven): Chrysothemis, Lipara, Asterope Hespere, Erytheis, and Aegle, Arethusa, and Hesperusa or Hesperia Calypso, his aunt. Maera, his aunt. Asteria, his aunt. Canethus, his uncle. Hyas, his uncle. -- Atlas, his grandfather. Pleione, his grandmother. * Oceanus his great grandfather (father of Pleione) Tethys his great grandmother (mother of Pleione ) Gaea/Ouranus great great grandparents (mother and father of Oceanus/Tethys Titans) --- Iapetos, his great grandfather (father of Atlas). Asia/Klymene, his great grandmother (mother of Atlas). Gaea his great great grandmother (mother of Iapetos) Ouranus his great great grandfather (father of Iapetos) -- Oceanus his great great grandfather (father of Asia/Klymene) Tethys his great great grandmother (mother of Asia/Klymene) Ouranus/Gaea are then great great great grandparents (mother and father of Oceanus/Tethys Titans)