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Zeus his father.

Hera, Hestia, Demeter, his aunts.

Hades and Poseidon, his uncles.

Rhea his grandmother (mother of Zeus).

Cronus his grandfather (father of Zeus).

Gaea his great grandmother (grandmother of Zeus, mother of Rhea and Cronus)

Ouranus his great grandfather (grandfather of Zeus, mother of Rhea and Cronus)


Maia, his mother (counted among the Pleiades)

Pleiades (*seven): Teygata, Elektra, Alkyone, Asterope, Kelaino, and Merope, his aunts.

Hyades (*five):

Ambrosia, Eudora, and Aesyle

Idothea, Althaea, and Adraste;

Philia, Coronis, and Cleis

Phaesyle, Coronis, Cleeia, Phaeote, and Eudora.

Ambrosia, Eudora, Pedile, Coronis, Polyxo, Phyto, and Thyone, or Dione.

Hesperides (*seven):

Chrysothemis, Lipara, Asterope

Hespere, Erytheis, and Aegle, Arethusa, and Hesperusa or Hesperia

Calypso, his aunt.

Maera, his aunt.

Asteria, his aunt.

Canethus, his uncle.

Hyas, his uncle.


Atlas, his grandfather.

Pleione, his grandmother. *

Oceanus his great grandfather (father of Pleione)

Tethys his great grandmother (mother of Pleione )

Gaea/Ouranus great great grandparents (mother and father of Oceanus/Tethys Titans)


Iapetos, his great grandfather (father of Atlas).

Asia/Klymene, his great grandmother (mother of Atlas).

Gaea his great great grandmother (mother of Iapetos)

Ouranus his great great grandfather (father of Iapetos)


Oceanus his great great grandfather (father of Asia/Klymene)

Tethys his great great grandmother (mother of Asia/Klymene)

Ouranus/Gaea are then great great great grandparents (mother and father of Oceanus/Tethys Titans)

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12y ago

father=zeus, mother=maia but all the gods were related in some way;


Hermes was the messenger of the gods.

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