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The Aloadai giants, Ephialtes and Otos were able to move mountains and threatened to turn land to sea and sea to land.

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Q: Who is otus of the greek mythology you know he is poseidon son but what were his powers?
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What you would like to know is what was the name of the King of the Sea of Neptune in Greek Mythology?

In Greek mythology Poseidon was the god of the sea.

Who is know as the earth shaker in greek mythology?

poseidon, the god of the sea, shook the earth when he was angry, therefore he was called the earthshaker.

What was Poseidon's palace called?

I know of no name recorded in Mythology.

What does greek god name Poseidon mean?

The name Poseidon means "lord" or "husband" in Greek. Poseidon was the god of the sea and earthquakes in Greek mythology, known for his power and role as a major deity among the Olympian gods.

Is Poseidon a human-octopus or a human-mermaid?

well as Greek mythology Poseidon was god of sea, horses, and earhquakes (sometimes). no one knows if it was true yes or no, but there is 99.9% that he was a merman

What is mythology of the Greek?

the miracle of greek mythology is that without it we will not know how the Greeks felt and thought untold ages ago.

What do Poseidon's need?

Poseidon? Do you mean the Ancient Greek god of the Sea? That's the only Poseidon I know of.

Why is hope considered to be evil in Greek mythology?

Um, who told you that? Hope was a good thing in Greek mythology as far as I know!

What is the miracle of Greek mythology?

the miracle of greek mythology is that without it we will not know how the Greeks felt and thought untold ages ago.

What is Greek mythology exactly?

I have no clue what Greek mythology is exactly but i know it is a cool topic to learn about. you should go to Britannica encyclopedia to find out.

What role did Poseidon play in greek mythology?

Greece was a civilization by the ocean, so they relied on Poseidon for protection against enemies and fishing trading and all that

What was the Greek god Poseidon like?

He was a meany head! jk I don't know the answer =)