

Who is really to blame for the war in Iraq?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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George Walker Bush. The war was his choice and his doing.

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Q: Who is really to blame for the war in Iraq?
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Well the war in Iraq really has nothing to di with the American Civil War.

How does John McCain feel about the war in Iraq?

How does John mccain feel about the war in Iraq? He wants to keep the troops in Iraq and make sure we get the job done b4 we leave, but it doesn't really matter now, does it? ;)

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Iraq war

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No, weapons were not found. Although the Americans did want oil. That is the only reason our troops are in Afghanistan. Blame BinLarden!

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Who was in the Iraq war?

The people involved in the war in Iraq are the US, Iraq and the UK.

Who fired on whom first in the Iran-Iraq war?

Saddam Hussein (Iraq) first attacked Iran in September 1980. However, a brief civil war started in Iran in 1978 and 1979 which the Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran) regime won. No one really won the war. Iran and Iraq never really recovered and both are poor, war weary nations to this day.

What war began in 1980 after Iraq was invaded?

There was a war that began in Iraq in 1980, but the war began with an invasion of Iran, not Iraq. That war is the Iran-Iraq War and lasted from 1980-1988.

How does the Iraq war effects our economy today?

Iraq War is a moral and strategic disaster for the United States". It has been the blame for things such as unemployment rate increasing, vital public investments dropping, education budget decreasing, and as well as Government programs dropping to their bottom peak points.

Was Iraq at war in 1983?

Yes, Iraq was at war with Iran from 1980 to 1988. This was called the Iran-Iraq war.

Do the media sensationalize without sensitizing?

Yes, for example, the media hyped up the Iraq war as a "cake walk" and "turkey shoot" without really covering the impact that the war had on the people of Iraq.

Why is it called the War in Iraq?

The war in Iraq is called this because the war is within Iraq, its not with any other country. Iraq is having civil wars. Iraq can not stabilize their government or economy.