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congress is responsible for levying taxes

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Q: Who is responsible for levying taxes?
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Related questions

The branch of government responsible for levying taxes is?

Congress, more accurately Legislative

What power is shared by the federal government and the Arizona state government?

levying taxes

What is the sources of funds in the government?

Ultimately, from the people of the country. By levying taxes etc.

What concerned the colonist about taxes?

Although the taxes are aimed at paying for the costs of admininstering the colonies, the colonists had no say in levying them and they were special taxes, just on the colonies.

Why do we need to pay property taxes?

These taxes provide revenue to enable the government levying the taxes to pay for services they provide such as police and fire protection.

Which US document is based on the Magna Carta?

Due process of law and Taxation without representation.

Which power is shared by the federal government and the new york state government?

levying taxes

What absolute advantage occurs when a country can maintain?

a monopoly by levying high taxes on imports

Why is the magan carta used for?

the magna carta was used for keeping England rulers of power from levying taxes

What is levying taxes?

A levy is a seizure of money or property to satisfy a tax debt. A levy is different from a tax lien. A lien is collateral placed on property for a debt. a levy is physically taking the property.

What major power did the Articles of Confederation lack how did this make the government ineffective?

To collect taxes, as opposed to simply levying them.

Why as America been referred to as the land of opportunity?

It provides farmers with the ability to farm without levying taxes on the farmland.