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Q: Who is someone that changed the world forever?
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The verb in the sentence is: changed

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Columbus day is celebrated to honor Columbus' voyages to the New World. His "discovery" of the New World literally changed history forever.

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Has Michael Jackson made a positive impact on the world?

He definitely left an incredible legacy behind, He changed the face of music forever, Changed the way music videos were made forever, He inspired the majority of todays artists. He made people have a different look on the world, He did extensive charity work and wrote a lot of songs about the world like which shows that he used his power to advertise the need to Heal The World.

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the worldwide travel was changed forever on water the steamboat imacted the futer disign for the newer steamboats

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loving someone forever takes time

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The Civil War

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What do they mean when people say do you want to live forever?

When someone asks you if you want to live forever they mean to ask do you want to be remembered for eternity. People can't live forever but they memories they create live on. An example of a person that probably lived forever is Gandhi or Martin Luther King. Both these men are known through out the world and will be remembered in history. Their legacy and the ideas that they had will live on forever and their memory will stay in this world forever.