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Q: Who is the Coppertone sunblock girl?
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When was the Coppertone girl introduced?

In 1953. she was redrawn in 1959 when the originals were destroyed in a fire.

Why does sunblock turn skin orange?

Because you got a tanner with sunblock in it. Regular sunblock has no color. Actually, no I didn't. What I used was Coppertone Kids Continuous Spray SPF 50 that stated it was a clear, no-rub spray. The orange staining has occurred with regular sunblocks, not self-tanners. Never mind...after doing more web surfing I finallly came up with an answer myself. Here it is.

Who was the coppertone baby?

After the original 1953 art was lost in a fire, artist Joyce Ballantyne Brand re-drew the "Coppertone girl" in 1959, supposedly using her daughter Cheri as the model.

Since winter is finally over, I want to get started on my summer tan. What are the best self tanners to use?

Coppertone has a good self-tanner which has sunscreen in it as well.You could use sunblock,then put the self-tanner on over it.

Who was the coppertone baby in commercials?

Coppertone Girl painted by Joyce Ballantyne who used her 4-yr-old daughter, Cheri Brand, as her model. Circa 1959

Which Oscar Winning Actress was the three year old Bare Bottom Coppertone girl?

Jodie Foster

Who was the first copper tone baby?

Coppertone Girl - In 1959, a 3-year-old girl in pig-tails named Cheri Brand posed for a family snapshot in the backyard of her Bronxville, NY home and soon became Little Miss Coppertone®, a symbol of summer and poster-girl for the long-running Coppertone sunscreen ad campaign whose famous slogans proclaim "Don't be a Paleface!" and "Tan - Don't Burn." A popular belief that Jodie Foster was the original Coppertone girl is misleading. Foster did, however, get her start in showbiz for a Coppertone suntan-lotion ad in 1965. She was three years old at the time and appeared in the ad as a toddler on a boat accompanied by her family. Reference: Interesting article:

What is the ticker for The Coppertone Corporation?

Coppertone operates as a subsidiary of Merck, symbol MRK. Coppertone is not a publicly traded company, so has no symbol of it's own.

How long do you need to reapply sunblock?

It depends how strong the sunblock is.

Was jodie foster coppertone girl?

No. Just watched to tell the truth and 5 mins ago they had the real model. Not drew

Was the coppertone girl's backside covered up in recent ads?

Yes. See as an example of the change.

Does sunblock or sun tan lotion protect more from the sun?
