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Q: Who is the Englishman responsible for establishing Pennsylvania and the religious group to which he belonged in?
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Who were the rich Englishman who founded Pennsylvania for religious freedom?

William Penn.

Who left England for the Pennsylvania in the New World in search of religious freedom?

Englishman William Penn found Pennsylvania to provide a place for freedom from religious persecution.

What man in US history was an englishman responsible for establishing Pennsylvania and the religious group to whom he belonged?

William Penn. He was also a Quaker, born the son of Admiral Sir William Penn and Margaret (Jasper) Penn , in 1644. For the full-ish story, see link here:

What did the charter of liberties grant to pennsylvania coloniats?

The charter of liberties granted Pennsylvania colonists a lit with 14 points that were essential rights of an Englishman. This was signed by Henry the 1st.

What susses did pennsyvila have?

Pennsylvania was successful in establishing one of the earliest forms of democratic government in America with the Pennsylvania Frame of Government. It was also successful in promoting religious tolerance by welcoming various religious groups to settle in the colony. Additionally, Pennsylvania played a key role in the American Revolution, being the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Was there religious freedom in colonial Pennsylvania?

There was religious freedom in colonial Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1681 and was originally based on religious freedom for the Quakers.

Who was the colony of Pennsylvania was established as a religious sanctuary for?

The colony of Pennsylvania was established as a religious sanctuary for the Quakers.

To whom did Pennsylvania extend religious liberty?

Pennsylvania extended religious liberty to all inhabitants of the state.

This religious group stettled in the colony of Pennsylvania?

The main religion of William Penn and his followers was the Quaker religion, although freedom of religion was the main reason for establishing the colony. Penn allowed a government of representative assembly by landowners.

What does William pen admire?

William Penn admired religious freedom, democracy, and peace. He is known for his contributions in establishing the colony of Pennsylvania as a haven for religious tolerance and self-governance. Penn also believed in fair treatment of Native Americans, leading to peaceful relations with the indigenous people in the region.

Why was Pennsylvania started and who started it?

Pennsylvania was founded for religious freedom and by William Penn?

What was one factor that drew people settled in Pennsylvania?

William Penn, the founder, promised religious tolerance and freedom from religious persecution.