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Q: Who is the Father of Absolutism?
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Which dynasty ruled Prussia during the Age of Absolutism?

The House of Hohenzollern was the Prussian Dynasty during the Age of Absolutism. This dynasty included Frederick the Great (Frederick II), as well as his grandfather Frederick I and his father Frederick William I.

What is the monarchical rule by enlightenment principles?

Enlightened Absolutism

How did the Age of Absolutism get its name?

It seems to have originated with BMB Beloff in "Age of Absolutism" paper in 1966.

How Plato justify absolutism?

his perversion of idealism is his absolutism,, when any one tries to enforce his ideals he becomes absolutist......... the dollowing points will show absolutism in Plato's political philosophical; absolutism in his concept of justice, in concept of philosopher ruler, absolutism in his concept of communism of spouse and property, in ideal state which was not practically possible and in his concept of state controled education.

How did absolutism differ between Western and Eastern Europe?

In western Europe absolutism was enforced as opposed to Eastern Europe where there was some form of absolutism but not to a full extent it was leaning more towards serfdom.

What Moral absolutism deny?

Moral Absolutism denies that Cultural Norms and Customs define morally right behavior.

What ideas opposed absolutism?

Absolutism is opposed to moral relativism, that denies the existence of universally applicable moral principles.

What idea were porposed by montesquieu and Locke that contradicted absolutism?

Monarchs In Europe believed in the divine right of kings and absolutism.

How did divine right encourage absolutism?

Divine right excused absolutism beliefs and behaviors. study island is dumb ( :

What event ended the age of absolution?

The French Revolution ended the age of absolutism.

What were European rulers attempting to do the age of absolutism?

Absolutism was a purposeful attempt by European rulers to extend their control in the lands they ruled.

What were European attempting to do during the age of absolutism?

Absolutism was a purposeful attempt by European rulers to extend their control in the lands they ruled.