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Q: Who is the best brain surgeon in nimhansbangalore?
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Who is the best brain surgeon?

Fraser Saunders in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

What is a brain surgeon?

A brain surgeon Is a doctor that specializes in knowing about and operating on the brain.

What is a brain surgeon in a year?

A brain surgeon in a year is a rate of brain surgeons to time.

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A brain surgeon.

What is a neurologic surgeon?

Basically a brain surgeon...

Is there a brain surgeon job in Ireland?

Yes there are brain surgeon jobs that come in Ireland.

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niether be a toe surgeon

What the tecnical term for brain surgeon?

Neuro Surgeon

How much does a brain surgeon make a month?

A Brain surgeon makes 10, 000 a month

To be a brain surgeon what would you have to major in college?

what majors will i take in college to become a brain surgeon?

What college can you go to to become a brain surgeon?

Best college to go to - Pepperdine University , MMBU

What type of surgeon removes a brain clot?

A Neurovascular Surgeon