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There is no best champion in LoL. The game mostly depends on player skill. If you play one champion long enough, you will become good at that champion. Champions are also suited for different roles. Some are tanks, some are melee DPS, and some are casters. You can't compare tanks and DPS champions. Champion abilities, and strength change each time they patch the game. One week a champion might be considered over-powered, but then in the next patch Riot may Nerf that champion (make him/her/it weaker) and instead another champion becomes over-powered. Basically choose whichever champion suits your play-style, and stick with them. I recommend doing this with a variety of champions from different roles, so you can complement your team no matter which champions they pick. By the time you have played 100 games with a champion, you will be better with that champion than any other champion you could play, even if they are over-powered.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Taric is the most OP character in league of legend.actually in my opinion its akali she has alot of burst if u like a burst go veigar or akali or lb but what i think is best is ap trist leblanc or akali all ap.

there are a lot of strong champions in the game... As of Feb 2013 the champs with the highest success rate are: Miss Fortune (adc), Taric (support), Twisted Fate (apc, Mid lane), Tryndamere (Top Lane), and Amumu (Jungler).

Really strong champions right now as well are Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao, both are highly successful in either jungle or top lane...

I my opinion it's dificult to say who is most powerful. The strengths and weakness differ in each game and it depends on strategy and all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's a really loaded question. It all really depends on what type of champion you like to play with. Do you like ranged, mele, or tank? Magic damage or physical damage? Attack damage or ability power? The list goes on and on. Anivia, the ice bird is a ranged ability power magic damage character, she's good for killing minions and playing mid, but she's not that good at killing champions unless you really play her a lot. Brand is the same, but he's a little more squishy but a lot more powerful at killing champions and even minions. Nocturne is a combo of physical and magic damage, but he's a mele/assassin character that focuses more on attack damage. You also need to think about runes and mastery to maximize your character's effectiveness. Right now I've got tristana, master yi, poppy, and kennen and I'm about to buy another character soon. The fact is, choosing someone is a matter of personal preference.

Whoever you decide to go with, here's a website that will provide excellent builds for each and every champ in the game. It has items to buy, runes to get, and masteries to use. Good luck!


it is diffcult choose among so many champions. if you like tanky stuffs get champions like garen, malphite, singed. normally those are th late game champion. they r powerful when full build. if you perfer fast game champions, like lux, katarina, akali. they r high in bursting dmg. if adc champion i would like to suggest vayne, ezreal, caitlyn. for sp i recommend nidalee(personal favorite), sona, nami.

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12y ago

There is no best champion, different people are better at some champions than others, although some champions are sometimes way overpowered but Riot Games make sure that does not happen. Or they try too.

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11y ago

A fun champion would be Ziggs, with a build consisting of Sorcerers Shoes, Doran's Ring, Rabadons Deathcap and Void Staff.

You can't really answer this question without first answering: what is your playstyle?


+ Do you like to stay in the back and dish out massive damage? Consider taking on the role of a carry

---> do you like to use your abilities wisely to win a fight? Pick up an ability power carry, or "apc".

Examples: Brand (has great range, loads of aoe damage, funny combos); Le Blanc (Hard to play, hard single target burst with lots of cc)

---> or do you want to be able to just right click and use your auto-attack to win? Pick up an attack damage carry, or "adc"

Examples: Caitlyn has safe farming capabilities with a snipe (long range kill spell), miss fortune has great aoe capabilities, very aggressive from the start of the game, Tristana has a lot of range and aoe damage, has get out of jail free card with her jump; Ashe is passive early game but is amazing late game, and has one of the best utility of all the adcs.

+ Do you want to be in the other team's face taking all the damage? Pick up a tank

-> do you like to be an "off-tank" that also deals damage (typically melee)? Consider a "bruiser" or "fighter" role.

examples: xin zhao (assassin, great initiator and has high damage)... or Singed (lots of health, and that fling! a natural lane pusher; Olaf... damage that is non-reducible, tanky as well...)

-> do you want to initiate team fights, and keep the enemy away from your damage dealing teammates? Consider a full tank role.

examples: Shen (his ultimate... amazing, great map presence, and a good aoe taunt... fun too), Malphite (Tanky, great ultimate for initiating, has good damage mitigation) and Jarvan (his ultimate essentially jails people in; kind of funny, great initiate... you can lock away their tanks etc so your team can proceed to kill the carries)

+ Do you want to help your team win the game by gaining control of game objectives and vision of the enemy team, while helping your carry get early kills, and picking up team enhancement items so everyone else can carry harder? Consider picking up a support role!

-> do you want to be passive or aggressive? Do you want to be an all in sort of support, or one that can keep your carry alive?

examples: Leona (great initiates; very aggressive and an all in type of support role... enhances Carry's burst, very tanky); Soraka (a walking potion... will keep the carry alive very well, has good ranged harass as well)... Sona; very "get in, harass and then get out"... very versatile, can handle passive or aggressive play. great ultimate skill); Lulu; can disengage enemy engages, can save the carries very well; good slow and harass.

There is a lot to league of legends, including the mechanisms of each champion, and what you can do with each champion. The best way to find out if you like a champion's play style is to experiment with them and try out different champions that are for free that week!

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10y ago

According to, the current most popular champion is Thresh. However, the most played champion off all time, according to, is Caitlyn. She has been played in over 2,900,000 games.

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9y ago

There is no "Best champion". League of legends is a very balanced game where skill and teamwork comes in to play a lot. There are champions that are good at certain things in certain situations but they might not be as good as another champion in another situation. The best league of legends character for you to pick is the one that would most fit what you are trying to do. If you were to ask who is the best league of legends champion at securing dragon I would respond with my opinion as there is no definite answer which would be Nunu.

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9y ago

The longest range is caitlyn, ashe, jinx, quinn and most adc.

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10y ago

udyr is a good the best jungler for gaks and the best jungler because he is the best just to clear each farm has go to be ether nunu or olaf

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11y ago

i am! unless u mean champions then rengar

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