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Walt Whitman

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Q: Who is the bold unconventional poet who celebrated American democracy?
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During his life Whitman's reputation as a poet was best described by which of the following?

Whitman's reputation as a poet evolved over time. Initially controversial for his bold and unconventional style in works like "Leaves of Grass," he eventually gained recognition for his innovative use of free verse and themes of democracy, individuality, and the human experience. By the time of his death, Whitman was revered as one of America's most influential and celebrated poets.

What adjectives best describe Emily Dickinson?

Creative Thoughtful Unconventional

What was different about Whitman's writing compared to previous poets writing?

Whitman's writing was unique for its free verse style and unconventional themes. He broke traditional poetic forms and explored topics like human sexuality, democracy, and individualism in a bold and unapologetic manner. His work was marked by its celebration of the self and the body, challenging the norms of his time.

What does desperado mean?

a bold outlaw especially on the American frontier

What was Stuart Davis style?

American modernism(bold,brash,colorful)

How Tall Was Bold Ruler The Horse?

The horse named Bold Ruler was 16 hands, 1 inches tall. Bold Ruler was the winner of the 1957 Preakness Stakes and was eventually inducted into the American Thoroughbred Hall of Fame.

What is the passive voice of the sentence Fortune favours the bold?

The bold are favoured by Fortune. Note: Following the question, the answer uses the British spelling; the American spelling would be "favored".

Why did one reviewer call Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass a mass of rotten filth?

Some reviewers criticized Leaves of Grass for its bold exploration of themes like sexuality and individuality, which were considered controversial at the time. Critics also found Whitman's use of unconventional poetic forms and free verse challenging and unconventional. The reviewer's harsh description likely reflects their discomfort with Whitman's departure from traditional literary norms.

Who was the commander of 26 Marines on operation Bold Mariner Russell Beach?

Try: The American War Library.

What best describes the manner in which Jefferson presented the American call for independence in the Declaration?

bold and self reliant

Who is the American artist who used bold blocks of color stark light and lonely somber settings was?

Edward hopper

What are the characteristics that Aaron Copland's work's American?

Aaron Copland developed a bold, almost brash,compositional style that borrowed heavily from the American fold traditional theme.