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Q: Who is the contact for McDonald's kosher licensing in Rep. of Panama?
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Where is mcdonalds kosher restaurants that dont sell cheeseburgers?

You'd have to go to Israel.

Is Blackcurrant kosher?

Yes. All fruits and vegetables are kosher, as long as they haven't come into contact with the flesh of unkosher animals.

Is elmer chocolate halal?

I emailed them at there contact address. They respnoded that none of their chocolates are Kosher.

What makes sugar kosher?

Yes, sugar is Kosher. Everything that grows from the ground is kosher. There's nothing in sugar to make it non-kosher, as long as it doesn't come in contact with other ingredients, or machinery, used in non-kosher products.

Is the wine Beringer Third Century Syrah 2005 a Kosher wine?

Yes, there are kosher Beringer wines. If you wish to locate these products, you could contact a wine store that specialises in kosher wines.

Is it difficult to find kosher medicine - including medicine that's Kosher for Passover?

Depending on the circumstances, kosher medicine may not be required. Each case is different, so contact your Local Orthodox Rabbi.

Where can you find halal McDonald's in London?

No. The only kosher McDonalds are in Israel and Argentina.

Is there kosher food in Malta?

There does appear to be kosher food available in Malta. Please see the related links for details. There is only one place that prepared kosher meals ansd kosher food: contact Yigal Maidani on 0035699626200 e-mail

Is water kosher?

Yes, provided it doesn't contain and hasn't come in contact with non-kosher ingredients, hasn't been processed or packaged on equipment that's also used for processing or packaging non-kosher beverages, and doesn't go into containers previously used for non-kosher beverages.

Can Jews eat pate?

It depends if those fats are from a kosher animal and that they have not come into contact with any non-kosher foods or any dairy of any type.

Why is sea salt kosher even though in the sea it touches many non-kosher animals?

Sea salt is a mineral and so long as anything that is non-kosher is not added to the dry salt crystals the salt is kosher. To say that sea salt is not kosher because non-kosher aquatic life lives in the ocean would be the same as saying that all fruits and vegetables are not kosher because they've come in contact with bugs.

What make kosher butter kosher to that of non-kosher?

1) It must be made from the milk of a kosher animal. Butter made from camel milk, for example, is not kosher. (This is not usually a problem in the United States.) The only exception is mother's milk for a baby--but they don't generally make that into butter. 2) The equipment used to prepare it must be: A) Kept from contact with anything non-kosher; and B) Kept from contact with meat. 3) No non-kosher food or meat should contaminate the milk. (One would hope this were generally true for all butter!) 4) In order to guarantee that 1, 2 and 3 are followed, someone knowledgeable in the rules of kosher food must supervise the process. This is usually, but not always a rabbi.