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Magwitch, unless you mean the one in the Three Jolly Bargemen, then refer to chapter 28, but a name is not specified

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The character you are referring to is Abel Magwitch. He is a convict who escapes from prison and encounters Pip in the novel "Great Expectations." Magwitch becomes Pip's secret benefactor, providing him with funds to help him improve his station in life.

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Q: Who is the convict with the file Great Expectations?
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The convict in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens wants a file and some food brought to him. He asks Pip, a young boy, to help him by providing these items to aid in his escape.

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The convict asks Pip for a file and some food in "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. He needs the file to remove his leg iron and the food to sustain himself while he hides from the authorities.

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The escaped convict in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations is named Abel Magwitch, but he is also known by the alias Provis throughout most of the novel.

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The convict had a great iron on his leg in the novel "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. It signified his status as a prisoner and underscored the themes of crime and punishment prevalent in the story.

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In "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, the sluice-house refers to a building located near the marshes where Pip encounters the convict Abel Magwitch. It serves as a setting for significant events early in the novel, such as Pip's encounter with Magwitch and the pivotal moment when Pip helps the convict by stealing food and a file.

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his convict Provis (aka Magwitch) is his benefactor

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Why, sure you are! Have fun in jail.

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The escaped convict named Abel Magwitch.

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