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Q: Who is the current Solicitor General of the United States?
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What is the solicitor general job?

The United States Solicitor General is the person appointed to represent the Government of the United States before the Supreme Court of the United States. Currently, the Solicitor General is Elena Kagan, who was confirmed by the United States Senate on March 19, 2009. The Principal Deputy, Neal Katyal, is currently serving as Acting Solicitor General.The Solicitor General determines the legal position that the United States will take in the Supreme Court. In addition to supervising and conducting cases in which the government is a party, the Solicitor General's office also files amicus curiae briefs in cases in which the federal government has a significant interest in the legal issue. The Solicitor General's office argues on behalf of the government in virtually every case in which the United States is a party, and also argues in most of the cases in which the government has filed an amicus brief. In the federal courts of appeals, the Office of the Solicitor General reviews cases decided against the United States and determines whether the government will seek review in the Supreme Court. The Solicitor General's office also reviews cases decided against the United States in the federal district courts and approves every case in which the government files an appeal.

Is Elena Kagan a general?

If by "general" you mean a military General, then no, Elena Kagan is not a General and does not serve in the armed forces.Kagan is the current US Solicitor General, or head lawyer in charge of the department that represents the United States in court. The office of Solicitor General is part of the Department of Justice, and answers to the US Attorney General, currently Eric Holder. Solicitor General and Attorney General are civilian government positions.

Who argues for the United States before the Supreme Court?

When the United States is party to a case in the Supreme Court, it is represented by the office of the US Solicitor General. The Solicitor General's office is under the US Attorney General's Office; they are both part of the Department of Justice in the Executive branch.The Solicitor General's office has a staff of attorneys whose job it is to argue on behalf of the government. If the case is important enough, the Solicitor General him- or herself may represent the US.Justice Elena Kagan was US Solicitor General before her elevation to the Supreme Court; Neal Katyal is currently (December 2010) the Acting Solicitor General.

What does the solicitor general of the US do?

Represent the United States Federal Government before the Supreme Court.

What is the function of the Solicitor General of the US?

The task of the Office of the Solicitor General is to supervise and conduct government litigation in the United States Supreme Court. Virtually all such litigation is channeled through the Office of the Solicitor General and is actively conducted by the Office.

Who serves as the United States' lawyer in Supreme Court cases?

When the United States is party to a case in the Supreme Court, it is represented by the office of the US Solicitor General. The Solicitor General's office is under the US Attorney General's Office; they are both part of the Department of Justice in the Executive branch.The Solicitor General's office has a staff of attorneys whose job it is to argue on behalf of the government. If the case is important enough, the Solicitor General him- or herself may represent the US.Justice Elena Kagan was US Solicitor General before her elevation to the Supreme Court; Neal Katyal is currently (December 2010) the Acting Solicitor General.

Who is the present solicitor general?

Of the United States, as of 2011 - Ms. Elena Kegan. See link below:

Who is in charge of running the federal circuit courts?

The United States district courts are the trial courts of the federal court system. You can read more about them at the link provided below.

What is the branch of the federal government of the united states supreme court?

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the land and the only involves the federal government, the Solicitor General of the United States.

What is Elena Kagan's current job?

Elena Kagan has served as US Solicitor General since March 19, 2009. The Solicitor General's office, a part of the Department of Justice, is responsible for representing the United States' legal interests in court. Kagan has argued several cases before the US Supreme Court in the past year.

Which department conducts all cases in the supreme court in which the United states is a Party?

The U.S. Solicitor General's Office, a part of the Department of Justice, argues for the United States when the nation is a party to a case. They also submit amicus curiae ("friend of the court") briefs when the nation has an interest in the outcome of a case to which it is not a party.Justice Elena Kagan was US Solicitor General before her elevation to the Supreme Court; Neal Katyal is currently (December 2010) the Acting Solicitor General.

Who represents the US before the Supreme Court?

When the United States government is one of the parties being represented in a Supreme Court case, it is represented by the office of Solicitor General. The Solicitor General is appointed by the President and is part of the US Department of Justice, serving under the US Attorney General.The Solicitor General often argues the cases to the Supreme Court himself or herself, especially in high profile or important cases. At other times, another member of the Solicitor General's office will argue the case.The office of Solicitor General was created by Congress in 1870, with the following mandate: "There shall be in the Department of Justice an officer learned in the law, to assist the Attorney General in the performance of his duties to be called the Solicitor General."