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Q: Who is the equivalent of Saint Judas Thaddeus in Santeria?
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Were Thaddeus and Jude the same apostle?

Yes, St. Jude Thaddeus was one of the 12 apostles.

What was Saint Jude's real name?

The real name of St. Jude is Judas, but he is also know as Thaddaeus. He is not the same Judas who betrayed Jesus, but was also an Apostle. He is called St. Jude by the Church so he is not associated with Judas Iscariot.

Did Saint Jude sell Jesus?

No, Saint Jude did not sell Jesus. Judas Iscariot was the disciple who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Saint Jude is known for being one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and is often invoked as the patron saint of desperate and impossible situations.

Why was Judas Tadeo named a saint?

Judas Thaddeus, also known as Jude, was likely named a saint because he was one of Jesus' twelve apostles, known for spreading the teachings of Christianity. He is considered the patron saint of lost causes and desperate situations, and many people believe in his intercession for help in difficult circumstances.

When do they celebrate Saint Judas?

Judas in not a saint.

Was Judas a saint?

No, Judas who betrayed Our Lord is not a saint.

What is the image of Saint Barbara used to represent in Santeria?

The image of Saint Barbara used to represent Santeria as sexuality, fire, thunder and lighting.

What year was Saint Judas born?

There is no specific historical record or consensus on the exact year Saint Judas was born. Saint Judas is a figure from Christian tradition often associated with Judas Thaddeus or Jude, one of the apostles of Jesus. His birth year is not clearly documented in historical texts.

When was Saint Judas born?

The birthdate of Saint Judas is not known for certain, as historical records about his life are scarce and often conflicting. He is believed to have lived during the time of Jesus, around the 1st century AD.

When did St. Judas become a saint?

St. Jude Thaddeus, also known as St. Jude, became a saint shortly after his death, around the 1st century AD. He is recognized as the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes.

What is Saint Jude's full name?

Saint Jude's full name is Saint Jude Thaddeus.

What was the other name of Thaddeus the disciple?

Judas, also known as Thaddeus, is one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew and Mark, he is referred to as Thaddeus, while in the Gospel of Luke and Acts, he is referred to as "Judas, the son of James."