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Jesus Christ, the Son of Man and Son of God. The Logos or Word from the beginning with the Father (John 1:1-3).

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Q: Who is the eternal Son of God the incarnate Word the One who had existed since before the beginning of time the One who died on behalf of the Father created the world?
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Was God born in the beginning of time?

People who believe in God also believe that He existed before time and is eternal; in other words, He had no beginning, and He always was. This is not unique to western religions. There are some eastern religions that believe the universe was not created; it always existed, as the spiritual home of the deity (or deities). But some religions do believe that their god was created or had a specific beginning. Various mythologies tell stories of how a male and female god emerged and created the world, for example.

What date was earth created?

it has existed since the beginning of life no one crated earth as far as we know it.

How old would God be?

Anything said about God must be based on His revelation of Himself to us. God is eternal. He has no beginning and no ending. God has always existed and will always continue to exist.

How do you use eternal as personification?

To personify eternal, you can describe it as a being or entity with human-like qualities and characteristics. For example, you could describe Eternal as a wise and timeless figure who has existed since the beginning of time. Personifying eternal can help create a sense of grandeur and significance in your writing.

What does God is eternal mean?

"God is eternal" means that God exists outside of time and is not limited by time constraints. God has always existed and will always exist, without a beginning or an end. This belief is central to many religious traditions.

Did God discover Earth?

Jehovah God did not 'discover' earth. According to the Bible, He 'created' it. He created it in what the Bible calls: "in the beginning" (Gen 1:1) Of course God existed BEFORE the beginning. God is 'eternal', meaning he has no beginning. Therefore God has no Creator. God creates various 'beginnings'. The very first thing God ever created, was 'things like himself'. God is a spirit, and he created 'spirit-beings' like himself. They're called 'angels'. Even they were created before the 'heaven and earth'. They were created before there was anything 'physical'. God and the angels exist 'seperate' and 'outside' the physical Universe. They are not dependent on light, nor heat. God created these things from himself.

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Hurricanes existed since the beginning of time, but no one was around to record them at the time.

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Witchcraft has existed since the beginning of mankind.

What did it mean in the bible that the word was made flesh?

It simply means that God's main Spokesman (the Word), became flesh; (was sent to earth and was born as a human being). There is no flesh in in the spirit realm; that's why it's called the 'spirit' realm. God is a spirit. Before the Universe existed, God existed. God is not a physical being; He is not confined by the physical laws of the Universe. God created the physical things from himself. 'In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.' But God of course existed before 'the beginning'.

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All the gods existed before the beginning of time.