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John Maynard Keynes"Father of Economics"

some says that "Adam Smith" is the real father of economics

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Q: Who is the father of economics why he called father of economics from which word economics derived?
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A word that has another word derived from it is called an Eponym. The two words will usually have different meanings.

What is the between economics and science?

economics is the study in which we study benefits and loss through this profits and losses can be determined,...whilescience is the knowledge gained throgh observations and experimentation ,...while this word is derived from a latin word scientia which means knowledge

What language did economics come from?

From the late 16th Century denoting ' 'household management, derived from the Greek word 'oikonomika'. In the more modern sense, the word has developed from the 18th century

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A 7-sided polygon is called a heptagon. The word derived from Greek. If it derived from Latin it might be called a septagon, but that is not the case.

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