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Thucydides! :) im doing a project on him right now haha

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Q: Who is the father of scientific history?
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Who was the father of history's?

the father of history is Herodotus

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William Edwards Deming is widely considered to be the father of scientific management.

Who is the real father of history?

The answer to " Who is the real father of history?" The answer is ARAM NAHRAIN.

Why is Herodotus famous?

because he was the king Umm... Not quite. Thucydides was a General in the war, in control of 7 ships. He was blamed for the loss of one of the cities and while in exile, he wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War. He was one of the first real historians, using information derrived from both sides of the war, and did not include anything religious. So he was one of the first to write a real history, instead of a religious story to explain what happened.

How has Thucydides shape the modern study of history?

Thucydides was an Athenian historian. He is known as the father of scientific history because he made it a point to gather and analyze evidence of historical events without alluding to the intervention of gods.

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carter g woodson is the father of black history

The father of black history?

The father of black history Is Carter G. Woodson !

Who is the father of scientific notation?

Rene Descartes came up with scientific notation

Why was Homer called the father of history?

Homer is not called the Father of History. Herodotus is called the Father of History (at least in the western world) because his history is the first to look for logical casues for the events he depicts.

Was thucydides a scientist?

No, not really. He was called the father of scientific history not because he wrote about science, but because he only used facts, analysis, and he excluded divine intervention and personal bias.

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