

Who is the first black us secretary of state?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Colin Powell

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Q: Who is the first black us secretary of state?
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Madeleine K. Albright appointed in 1997 by President Clinton was the first woman to serve as Secretary of State in the US. \

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In the US, the first secretary of state was Thomas Jefferson. He was appointed to that position by President George Washington.

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Condoleezza Rice was the first black woman. She served 8 years with president George W Bush. The first 4 years as the National Security Advisor, and the last 4 yrs, 2005-2009 as the Secretary of State.

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The first woman to serve as US Secretary of State was Madeleine Albright. She was appointed by President Clinton to the State Department in December 1996, and, after being unanimously confirmed by the US Senate, she assumed office in January of 1997.

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Hilary Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, has held many jobs during her lifetime. For instance, she has been a first lady, a US senator, the Secretary of State for President Obama, and, originally, she was a lawyer.