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The first person to arrive at Juliet's tomb in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" is Friar Laurence, who goes to retrieve Juliet after she has taken a potion to fake her death.

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Q: Who is the first person to arrive at Juliet tomb?
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Romeo's body lies in the tomb the entire time Juliet is there in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."

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Romeo kills Paris outside Juliet's tomb when he mistakenly believes Paris is there to harm Juliet's resting place.

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The Watch. Romeo finds her and thinks she is dead and kills himself. Then Juliet awakes and finds him dead. The Friar returns and tries to convince her to leave the tomb with him but she refuses. The Friar hears the Watch coming and flees the tomb. Juliet stabs herself. The Watch enters the tomb and find Paris, Romeo and Juliet all dead. The Prince, the Capulets, and Lord Montague arrive. Balthasar and the Friar explain what has happened and they all make up.

What happens when romeo first arrives at juliet's tomb?

Paris tries to put him under citizen's arrest.

Why does friar Lawrence leave the tomb without Juliet?

Juliet refused to go.

How did Romeo know Juliet was in the tomb?

Balthazar tells him about Juliet's death and burial.

Who enters the courtyard in Romeo and Juliet?

Act V, Scene 3, when everything happens in the wrong order. There are 3 visitors to Juliet's tomb. They SHOULD have arrived in the following order: 1) Friar Lawrence, to wake Juliet up. 2) Romeo, to take her away to Mantua and live happily ever after. 3) Paris, to find that his fiancée had vaniched from the tomb. In fact they arrive in the reverse order: Paris comes first, and begins to mourn outside the tomb, when his Page warns him that somebody else is coming. Paris hides. Romeo arrives next, also with a servant (Balthasar) whom he dismisses before starting to open the tomb with a crowbar. Paris, not unnaturally, takes offence at a Montague vandalising the Capulet tomb, and fights him, which is a big mistake; we already know Romeo is quite handy with a sword. Romeo then enters the tomb, find Juliet apparently lifeless, swigs his poison, falls dead. FINALLY, Friar Lawrence arrives, Juliet wakes, the Friar very sensibly scarpers, and Juliet kills herself. It's all a question of timing; which is one reason why the purists will tell you that R&J, though very, very sad, is not in the classical sense a Tragedy, but rather a mere chapter of accidents.