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Q: Who is the founder of the eastern rite of Catholicism?
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Is Fort Wayne IN in the Eastern rite or the Western?

Eastern Rite and Western Rite churches are not limited by geography. The naming is a convention that indicates where they historically started. You can find Eastern and Western Rite churches all over the US. There are Byzantine (Eastern) church in Fort Wayne as well as many western rite.

Who was the founder of Catholicism?

Christ aka God the Son

What religious images are honored by the Eastern Rite Catholics?

The religions images honored by Eastern Rite Catholics are called icons.

Do members of an Eastern rite and the Latin rite accept and live by the same gospel values?

Eastern rite and Latin rite Catholics both belong to the same Church under the leadership of the pope and share the same Gospel values.

Is St. Ignatius of Antioch really the founder of Roman Catholicism?

No, he is not the founder but was the first writer to use the term the Catholic Church.

Who is founder of Catholic?

Jesus Christ founded Catholicism in the year 33 A.D.

Is there a Roman Catholic sect that allows priests to marry?

Generally speaking, Catholic priests are not allowed to marry. The Catholic Church under Rome is made up of two parts, the Latin Rite and the Eastern Rite. The Pope in Rome is the head of both Rites, and they are equal. Pope John Paul II referred to the church in that "it breathes with both lungs" (Latin & Eastern Rites). The Latin Rite follows the law of celibacy but the Eastern Rite does not. The guidelines for the Eastern Church are as follows: 1. Once ordained, the man may not marry. 2. A married man may enter the seminary and be ordained a priest, however, if his wife dies, he may not remarry. 3. A married priest may not become a Bishop. Recently, the Latin Rite, has made some exceptions to the rule of celibacy. Some Anglican priests who were married wished to convert to Catholicism. They were re-ordained to the Catholic priesthood and remained married. However, like the Eastern Rite, if their wife dies they are not permitted to remarry or be advanced to Bishop.

What religion developed in eastern Europe in 1054?

Roman Catholicism

How long after your confimation do you make communion?

A matter of minutes if you are confirmed as a roman Catholic. Eastern rite does confirmation either at birth, or after your first communion. I do not know when you receive communion in the eastern rite though.

Where did the Melkite rite originate?

The Melkites, or Byzantine rite Catholics of Middle Eastern origin, are the descendants of the early Christians of Antioch (Syria).

Is Ethiopia Christian?

Yes, eastern rite catholic for the most part

What was the chaldean religion?

Chaldeans are Catholic.