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We will not know until the current pope dies and the Cardinals choose a new pope in a secret conclave.

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Q: Who is the future pope?
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If you mean the Malachi Pope Prophesy, Benedict was the last Pope. Originally Malachi predicted only 111 future Popes. Benedict was the 111th. The 112th name on the list was added 400 years after the death of Malachi by a Benedictine monk that felt the Church should go 'out' on a more positive note. He added Peter the Roman, not Malachi. So, Peter the Roman is not a valid part of the Malachi predictions.

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Pope Paul VI was elected pope after the death of Pope John XXIII.

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There is no pope named Pope XXIII. If you are referring to Pope John XXIII, he became pope in 1958.

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Pope Francis is the reigning pope in 2013.

What is Petrus Romanus?

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The current pope is Pope Benedict XVI.

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