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a penguin, because they are too fat to fly.

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Q: Who is the laziest bird that flies in air?
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Related questions

What bird is possibly the laziest parent in the whole family of birds?

The cuckoo bird is the laziest parent.

What is the action force of a flying bird?

A bird flies by the use of its wings. Air is pushed downward by the wings. The air then reacts by pushing the bird upward.

Where could even the laziest boy find a meal in lord of the flies?

in the cave

How is the way a bird flies similar to the way a plane flies?

they both can go high in the air

Correct spelling bird flies or flys?

The correct use is 'flies' as in "A bird flies through the air." It is also the correct plural of the word fly, as in "There were several flies hovering around the trash can."

What is distance from Glasgow to Winnipeg by air?

About 5,801.45 Kilometers as the bird flies.

Lord of the Flies where could even the laziest boy find an easy meal?

Even the laziest boy could find an easy meal in the acres of fruit trees which grew in the jungle on the island.

Is it true When a bird flies the air pressure on the top of its wings is lower than the air pressure below?


What is the distance from okinawa to Hawaii by air?

About 7,774 kilometers (4,830 miles) as the bird flies...

What rhymes with laziest?

"Haziest" rhymes with "laziest."

What flies through the air?

A plane, bird, rocket, frisbee, in fact anything that is propelled on a trajectory in air can be considered to be flying.

Which is an aerial animal a bird crab fish or snake?

"Aerial" means "in the air". Only one of the named creatures flies in the air.