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Q: Who is the major vendor for supercomputers?
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Major vendors for supercomputers?

Today supercomputers are the fastest computers available and are used by military and defense research agencies, universities, independent research centers and some engineering corporations. Major vendors of these computers include IBM and HP.

Most major corporations use supercomputers for daily business activities?

No they use Mainframes

Why do airplanes use supercomputers?

Airplanes not necessarily use supercomputers but, supercomputers are used to design airplanes. One of the many uses of supercomputers is to model how wind and turbulence affect an airplane. Supercomputers are also used in advanced flight simulators.

How do you become a peanut vendor?

To become a peanut or any other kind of vendor at a Major League ballpark you must apply for a vendor's license. After procuring the license, apply for permission at a number of ballparks.

Why do you need supercomputers?

They are fast.

Where can you get fine thread in World of Warcraft?

Any tailoring/trade goods vendor can sell that thread. if ya really cant find a vendor that sells it at your current location, head to the nearest Tailoring Trainer (any major city). the vendor is usually with them.

Were do you get rune of telportation on World of Warcraft?

any major city. just look for a reagents vendor

What are the reasons that supercomputers mainframes not recommended for home?

There are two fairly simple answers to that question:# Supercomputers are expensive! (tens of thousands to millions of dollars) # The architecture for supercomputers is typically proprietary. Any software you run on it would have to be at least recompiled, if not rewritten completely from source on the computer. This means no normal games or photo/video editing software would run (those being the major reasons a "home" user would want a powerful computer for).

What is a big name in supercomputers?


What are today's supercomputers named?


Who is the best known builder for supercomputers?
