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Q: Who is the most decorated person in the US Coast Guard?
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Where is a Coast Guard avionic technician most likely to be stationed?

A Coast Guard Avionic Tech can be posted to any military base depending on the military's needs. It is rare that a person of the military stays in one place for more than a few years.Ê

Can I be accepted into the Coast Guard with a GED only?

The Coast Guard states that you do need a high school diploma, but that GED's are accepted under special circumstances. The Coast Guard is the smallest branch therefore the most competitive but it is possible.

What is a coast guard approved life jacket?

A personal flotation device approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. They're required if you're out on a boat most places.

If you get a DUI do you lose your captains license coast guard?

most likely

Is a former member of the us coast guard reserves considered a veteran?

The coast guard is a branch of the military. Most small boat operations in armed conflicts are driven by a coastie . Most of the landing craft driven onto the beaches of normandy where skippered by the coast guard. They are armed and even go on special ops missions with teams like the seals. They also board drug running boats and shot 50cal machine guns . A far cry from lifeguards

Can you enlist in the coast guard with a misdemeanor?

The Coast Guard has very strict guidelines for recruiting people, it would be very tough to get in with a felony, it would have to be waived, in most cases, a waiver for a felony is hard to get.

What country has the most military branches?

Most likey USA. Marines, Army, Navy, Airforce, and Coast Guard.

When was the Most Recent Time The Coast Guard Was Called Into Service And Deployed In Wartime Was?

The most recent time the U.S. Coast Guard was called into service and deployed in wartime was during the Iraq War in 2003. Coast Guard personnel were deployed to support various missions, including port security, maritime intercept operations, and protection of offshore oil infrastructure in the Persian Gulf.

Which holiday is most decorated for?

No. The most decorated US holiday would be Christmas.

Was popeye in the navy or coast guard?

While for most of his "career" he is portrayed as a civilian sailor, when in the military (ignoring the one "In the Army Now" episode), he was in the Coast Guard (source: Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves he was stationed at a Coast Guard small boat station). Much of the confusion can be caused by two facts: 1) During times of war (eg WWII ) the Coast Guard is transferred to the Department of the Navy. So although he was still a Coastie, he could have been serving on a Navy Ship. (Even today it is not uncommon to find a Coast Guard team serving on a Navy Ship.) 2) During the WWII era, the Coast Guard uniform and the Navy uniform were almost identical, with the minor differences being too small to show in a comic strip. Even today most of the formal uniforms of the two services are identical except for the design on the buttons.

Is Glasgow rangers the most decorated club in the world?

Yes, the Glasgow Rangers are the most decorated club in the world.

What is the official order the armed forces medley to be played and why?

When played in a medley, the order is from the most junior to senior - Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army. When played singly, the order is reversed - Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard.