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The most important member of the community in "The Giver" is the Receiver of Memory, who holds the memories of the past and guides the community leaders with wisdom and insight. This role is crucial for making decisions and providing a historical perspective to prevent repeating past mistakes.

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Q: Who is the most important member of the community in the giver?
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The receiver

Who is the most important elder in The Giver?

The most important elder in "The Giver" is the Receiver of Memory, who at the time of the story is the character known as The Giver. He holds the memories of the past and advises the community's leaders.

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What is the most important job in the community The giver?

The most important job in, β€œThe Giver,” is the Reciever. This is a very important job because he makes all the major descisions of the community. For example, if the community was getting a lot of visitors, the Reciever would have to make some regalations and rules for these people. Hope that helps :)

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Who is the Receiver and how are rules changed in The Giver?

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What is the most important member in the community?

Every member of a community plays a valuable role, but community leaders or organizers often serve as key figures in guiding and uniting community members towards common goals. They help foster collaboration, build relationships, and address challenges within the community.

Who was the most important member of the Anishinaabek community?

There isn't one single most important member of the Anishinaabek community as they value collective contributions and leadership. Anishinaabek societies are often structured around groups who make decisions collectively, with individuals holding specific roles in governance, hunting, gathering, storytelling, and more.

What was Jonas's assignment and why was it important in the giver?

Jonas's assignment was chosen to be the Receiver of Memory, a position where he would receive memories of the past from the Giver. This task was crucial in the community as it allowed someone to hold the memories and wisdom of the past, ensuring that important lessons and experiences were not lost to the residents.

Why is the community in The Giver so safe?

The community in The Giver is safe because they have strict rules and regulations that eliminate any potential risks or dangers. The community practices Sameness, which mitigates conflicts and ensures conformity among its members. Additionally, the community lacks individuality and emotions, which reduces the chances of erratic behavior or violence.

What does Jonas like in The Giver?

Jonas has pale eyes unlike most of the other people in the community.