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The narrator in "Paul's Case" is an unnamed third-person omniscient narrator who provides insights into Paul's thoughts and actions. This narrator allows readers to understand Paul's character and motivations as the story unfolds.

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Q: Who is the narrator if the story Paul's case?
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Pauls Case device literary?

The story is narrated dispassionately as if by a social worker.

Can the author be the narrator in a story?

Yes, although this is not always the case. If a story is written in the First person, then the author is the narrator.

What is the climax in willa cathers short story pauls case?

Paul jumps in front of the train in Willa Cather's short story "Paul's Case."

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C. His real life is so different from his dream

What do you call the character that is telling the story?

A character that is telling a story is usually called the narrator.

When narrator has full knowledge of all the characters when a story is told from the?

The narrator in this case is referred to as an omniscient narrator. This means they have complete knowledge about the thoughts, feelings, and actions of all characters in the story. This narrative style allows the reader to have a comprehensive understanding of the story and the characters' motivations.

According to the narrator Pauls family felt an anxiety in the house What was the cause of this anxiety?

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Was a pauls case a short story about an allergy?

No, "Paul's Case" is a short story written by Willa Cather. It is about a young man named Paul who struggles with conformity and seeks a life of art and luxury, ultimately leading to tragic consequences. Allergies are not a central theme in the story.

What is the person that reads the story called?

The person who tells the story is the narrator.

In Pauls Case members of the faculty dont like Pauls carnation because they think?

it suggests that hes not taking things seriously

What role does the narrator have?

the narrator is the person (or animal) that is telling the story. The author writes the story, but the story is told by the narrator.

Where is the narrator at the beginning of the story?

The narrator is at home in bed at the beginning of the story.