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Q: Who is the older one between the first twin and the second twin in conception?
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Are the second born of fraternal twins older biologically?

About, but the first twin would be a few seconds older then the second

When a set of twins are born what is the first one called and what is the second one called?

Twins have names by which they are usually known; if you need to distinguish between the one who was born first (if only by mere minutes) and the one who was born second, you can call them the older twin and the younger twin.

What is your cousin once removed children to you?

Depending on which of you is in the older generations, the children of your first cousin once removed are either your first cousins twice removed, or your second cousins.Depending on which of you is in the older generation, the children of your second cousin once removed are either your second cousins twice removed, or your third cousins.

Does francium have any older names?

Yes, Francium has a couple older names. The first time it was discovered, it was called "eka-caesium." The second name was "moldavium."

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second siting was from get smart but it was said in a much older movie first

What are the sorrow of rizal?

Jose Rizal experienced sorrow due to the injustices and abuses suffered by the Filipino people under Spanish colonial rule, as well as personal struggles with loneliness, exile, and the loss of loved ones. His deep empathy for his fellow countrymen and his desire for social and political reform in the Philippines also contributed to his sense of sorrow and anguish.

If you have the same first and last name--are you the second?

If you have the same first and last name as someone else, you might be a "the first", "the second," "the third" or some other number, but only if the two of you are related and you are of different generations. If your name is John Smith, you have the same first and last name as a lot of other people, most of whom your are not related to. You are John Smith the Second only if your father, grandfather, or other older relative is John Smith the first within your family and no one else (older than you) is already John Smith the second.

Liam is younger than Mandy but older than Tara - Blake is older than Ruby who is older than Liam - Mandy is older than Blake - Who is the second youngest?

Liam is the second youngest.In age order, youngest first, they are Tara, Liam, Ruby, Blake, and Mandy.If you read the clues in reverse order, it is immediately apparent.

What is happening when your car as you shift from first gear into second gear and it backfires?

the spark timing has to be adjusted (on older vehicles only)

Who was born first between the roloff twins?

Zach Roloff is older than Jeremy Roloff

Who is second older in one direction?

Zayn is the second oldest!

Where was the word kwashiokor got from?

It comes from an expression in the Ga language of Ghana, meaning something like first-second. This is because it arose in older children when a second child was born