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Q: Who is the one first measure the year?
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What year were the oceans formed?

Although time is eternal the measure of time is not. The YEAR is undetermined since it is one of the first things that occurred on earth.

What do light years measure?

A light-year is a measure of distance, not time as many people mistakenly believe. One light-year is the distance light can travel in one year in the vacuum of space. One light-year equates to 5.8785 trillion miles.

How do you work out how much you have used something in a year?

The most direct method is: -- Measure and write down the amount of it that you have at the beginning of the year. -- Measure and write down the amount of it that you have at the end of the year. -- Subtract the second measurement from the first one. The difference in the two numbers is the amount that has been used, sold, stolen, or evaporated during the year.

What does the solar year do?

The solar year does not do anything. It is simply one measure of a period of time.

A unit ight-year is a measure of?

The light-year is a measure of distance. It's the distance light travels in vacuum in one year. 5.8787 x 1012 miles (rounded)

By what measure is tubal ligation a reliable method of birth control?

fewer than one in 200 women (0.4%) will become pregnant during the first year after sterilization.

How many days equals one light year?

None. A light year is a measure of distance, not of time.

What part of a year is one and one half feet?

A year is a measure of time, and 1.5 feet is a measure of distance. Distance can not be used to measure a year, so therefore it is impossible to find "What part of a year is one and one half feet". If you meant "yard", the answer is 1/2. A yard is 3 feet, so 3 divided by 1.5 is 2. The 1.5 feet go into 3 feet 2 times, making one and a half feet one half of a yard.

How tall would a 6 year old boy be?

go measure one...

Is an astronimical unit or light-year the larger unit of measure?

One Light-year is 63,024 Astronomical units.

How many miles is 500 billion years?

A year is a measure of time; a mile is a measure of distance. You cannot convert from one to the other.

What is the laboratory instrument used to measure curved lines?

At first they will use the twine to measure the curved lines and then they will take one scale and looke the measure