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Q: Who is the only man has been President of two different republican countries?
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Related questions

Can people who have been president run for president again?

This depends on the country. Different countries have different limitations on who can be president and for how long.

Has President Obama ever been republican?


How many parties have served as president?

Five different parties have supplied Presidents - and there have been non-party Presidents * Federalist * Democratic-Republican * Democratic * Whig * Republican

Has there every been a Republican woman who ran for president?

Yes, there have been several Republican women who have run for president. Notably, Carly Fiorina ran for the Republican nomination in 2016, and Michele Bachmann ran in the 2012 election. However, no Republican woman has ever been nominated by a major party for the presidency.

How often have Republicans been president?

18 out of the 44 presidents have been republican.

Is Obama a Republican?

No, President Obama has always been a Democrat.

Was Lincoln and democrat or rebublican?

Lincoln was a Republican . . . I believe he may have been the first Republican president of the US.

Who was the first Republican president of the United States?

Abraham Lincoln was the first president who was a member of the modern Republican party. Some sources, particularly simplified charts, describe earlier presidents as being republican, but that was a different and not directly related party, which was formally called the Republican Democratic party. Thomas Jefferson, for example, is often cited as being the first Republican president, but he was, in fact, a Republican Democrat (which actually spawned a quasi-modern Democratic party).

Who is the president that is called farther of his country?

Actually, several presidents have been called that in different countries. George Washington is the US president so honored.

What is Obama a democratic or Republican?

President Obama is a Democrat, and a frequent critic of Republican policies.

Has there ever been a republican president with a democrat vice president?

Before the 12th amendment, the person with the highest number of votes became president and the person with the second highest number of votes became vice president. Because of this president Lincoln was a Republican and his vice president Johnson was a Democrat.

Has a republican ever been president?

yes! for example George Bush, or his father, or Reagan....