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Q: Who is the person who coordinates all activities and needs for an organization's database is a?
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What is the difference between database and database administrator?

Database is the data stored in the server and Database administrator is the person who designs the database.

What is the explanation for the role of the database administrator?

A database administrator oversees all aspects of the database. He/she will be the person who has the ability to make anything happen with the management of the database.

What is meant database administration?

Database management system is a software system (set of programs) that is used for the management of databases. Now to understand Database management system it is necessary to know about databases. Database is a data structure used to organize related data. In databases data is stored in such a way that it can be easily accessed and changed easily. Normally a database is a collection of tables. A table itself can also be called as database and Table is a collection of columns and rows. Database administration is a method of tending to or managing the affairs of electronic data and the person who perform these activities is called Database Administrator. A database administrator (DBA) is responsible for the design, implementation, maintenance and repair of an organization's database.

Who is a database designer?

A database designer is a person who specifies how a database records are stored, accessed and related to make sure there is adequate performance!

What is multiuser database?

That is a database that can allow simultaneous record entry by more than one person.

Difference between Finance Manager and Marketing manager?

Finance manager is a person who deals with the finance decision of an organization.his responsibilities are decision on providing finance,keep check on finance activities. while marketing manager is responsible for marketing the organizations product,services to attract customers. Finance manager is a person who deals with the finance decision of an organization.his responsibilities are decision on providing finance,keep check on finance activities. while marketing manager is responsible for marketing the organizations product,services to attract customers. Finance manager is a person who deals with the finance decision of an organization.his responsibilities are decision on providing finance,keep check on finance activities. while marketing manager is responsible for marketing the organizations product,services to attract customers.

What is the difference between oracle and oracle?

Oracle is one of the popular database and DBA (DataBase Administrator) is the person who maintain the database (install oracle software, create,setup,maintain database)

What exactly is a database administrator job?

A database administrator is a person responsible for the design, maintenance and repair of an organization's database. To learn more about database administrators you can visit here

What is a user database?

A user database is a system that more than 1 person can access and gain information from. Multiple users can input and store data in these database systems.

What is one of the primary roles of a DBA?

database administrator will monitor the database size and creates users ,grant privilages to the users .His job is to give the access permission to the right person not the oponent.He maintains the tablespaces size and increase the size of it when it requires.Daily he must take the backup of the data and if any problem occurs in the database he must in a position to recover the data.

How can one learn about database administration?

There are several places where a person can learn about database administration. Someone could search in the library for information about database administrations. Also, someone can search on the computer for sites with information about database administrations.

When a person carries out multiple activities simultaneously this is called?

polyphasic activities