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St. Malachy

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Q: Who is the person who predicted the succession of Catholic popes?
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Related questions

Who did Michelangelo create art for?

Mainly for a succession of popes.

What religion were the first 15 popes?

Catholic, as all the Popes are. The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church.

How many popes make up the apostolic succession?

Currently (2013) 266 popes make up the line of popes back to Saint Peter.

What popes did Mary I burn?

Bloody Mary was a Catholic and did not burn any popes.

What are kings and popes?

Kings are the ruler of that country. Popes are the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

How do you compare popes in paganism?

there were no popes in the pagan world, you imbecile; the popes were vicars of the roman catholic (ie. Christian) church.

How many Catholic popes have there been till now?

As of April 2013 there have been 266 popes.

Why does the Roman Popes have so many false popes when the Coptic popes have none?

Roman Catholic Popes are descended from Peter, how can they be false? Please be more clear in your question and what you are referring to.

Which city is called City of Popes?

Avignon, France, is sometimes referred to as the "City of Popes" because of the presence of popes and anti-popes from 1309 to 1423 during the Catholic schism.

How many popes does the Catholic Church recognize?

Including Pope Benedict XVI there have been 265 popes.

Did popes of catholic church commit errors?


How many popes exist for Protestant and Catholic societies?

There is only one pope at a time and he is Catholic. There are no Protestant popes although, technically, the pope is the spiritual leader of them also.