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Q: Who is the person whome used his brain at-most?
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yes some are aware of what they are doing,but others arent aware of it they are just being used by others to serve the devil

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Why do you use only 10 percent of your brains?

This is a myth. The percentage of the brain used varies between person and activity being performed, but most of the brain is used most of the time.

Who used more percentage of brain after Einstein?

its not researched till now people say that the last person was enstine to use more of his brain

What brain chemical is released when marijuana is used?

dopamine is the brain chemical that is released when a person uses marjuana. Dopamine creates good feelings-for a short time.

How many drives can be mapped in a window 2000 system?

Atmost four drives can be mapped to a windows 2000 operating system computer. It can have different names like z name can be used for a drive.

Are kid less creative because of how many school days?

No. Creative thinking can actually be promoted by learning and new ways of thinking. As a person learns they build synapse in the brain and this leads to a better brain. The more the brain is used the better it is.

What scan is used to identify which brain areas are most active when a person is suffering from schizophrenia?

You usually cannot diagnose schizophrenia from a simple brain scan. However, long-term damage to the brain from schizophrenia can sometimes be assessed by a MRI scan.

What was the tool called for taking out a mummies brain?

There was no specific name of tool used for brain removal in ancient Egyptain records, but rather a type. There are two theories as to how the brain was removed. A popular theory is that they used a long hook type tool to go up a person's nostril and pull out the brain tissue. Another theory is that they used a long needle like tool to penetrate the brain several times, through the nose, and then later let it drain out the nose as well.

What is the other 90 percent of your brain used for?

The widely popular belief that we use only 10% of the brain power isconsidered a myth by most neuroscientist. Infact, recent research shows that, if after a stroke or paralysis, a person looses one of his/her senses for eg. speech, then the part of the brain that was initially used for speech processing is used by 'other senses' and put to work.

Is the word ''vegetable'' used to describe a disabled person?

No, a "vegetable" is a person with no brain activity - a person who is not thinking at all, but must be cared for at all times in a hospital or nursing home. This is an unkind way of referring to a person who is comatose and unresponsive.