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Q: Who is the portrait on the 1000 bill?
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Who is the lady on the 1000 dollar bill?

Old US $1000 bills carried a portrait of President Grover Cleveland. Some privately-issued bills may have had a woman's portrait, though.

What does the 1000 bill look like?

The US $1000 bill features a portrait of President Grover Cleveland on the front and an image of the U.S. Capitol on the back. The bill was last printed in 1945 and is no longer in circulation but remains legal tender. It is one of the highest denominations ever issued by the US government.

Is there one million dollar bill in the entire world?

In the world, I am pretty sure there is n $1,000,000. The highest dollar bill in U.S. history was a $100,000 bill with Woodrow Wilson on the portrait but, there were also other dollar bills like the $500 bill featureda portrait of William McKinley and the $1,000 bill featured a portrait of Grover Cleveland and the $5,000 bill featured a portrait of James Madison and the $10,000 bill featured a portrait of Salmon P. Chase.

Who is one the 1000 bill?

Assuming you are referring to the United States of America currency, it is Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill. See the link below. (Many years ago, Andrew Jackson was on the $10-dollar bill with the same portrait now on the $20.)

Can you get changes with 1000 bill?

well you cant because there is no 1000 bill.

Who's on the 10 dollar bill?

The face on the $10.00 bill is John Trumbull's 1805 portrait of Alexander Hamilton that belongs to the portrait collection of New York City Hall.

What bill has Lincoln memorial on it?

The US 5$ bill has Lincoln's portrait on the front and the Memorial on the back.

Whose portrait is on the dollar bill?

President George Washington

Who is on the ten dollar paper bill?

On the ten dollar paper bill in the United States is the portrait of Alexander Hamilton, who was the first Secretary of the Treasury.

Is the 1000 bill legal tender?

That would depend on what currency (country) the 1000 bill was for.

Gilbert Charles Stuart painted the portrait on which US bill?

United States one dollar bill. ...

What was George Washington's impact on the people?

His portrait is on the One Dollar Bill