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Physical capital refers to any non-human asset made by humans and then used in production.

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Q: Who is the primary benefit of the federal government investing in physical capital?
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What is an example of investing in physical capital by a company?

training workers to do their jobs better

What is a benefit of using both physical capital and human capital?

Physical capital is the things that you process and are important building tools. It takes human capital to put them together and make them work.

What was the incentive for the Kazakh government moving the capital to Astan?

Astana is closer to Russia and Europe. By moving the capital the government hopes the economy will benefit from European tourism and investment.

What is the advantage of investing in social capital for a firm?

The biggest advantage of investing in social capital by a firm is the goodwill that the investment shows the community involved. Many companies invest social capital into the communities of which they are headquartered.

What is the concept of financial spread trading?

Financial spread training is investing on the rise and fall of a particular stock. This allows investors with limited capital to benefit from investment companies they cannot otherwise afford.

Which capital is known as physical capital?

Fixed capital is known as Physical capital

How does investing in human capital affect GDP?

it increases it (gdp)

Where can someone find information on trust deed investing?

One can find information about trust deed investing online at various websites. One can find information about trust deed investing at websites such as The Norris Group, Praxis Capital, and Arixa Capital Advisers.

What incentive do companies have in investing in their capital goods or in new technologies?

The goods will assist in creating more capital.

What is the desired outcome of investing in capital goods?

Study Island - The goods will assist in creating more capital.

What is personal finance investing used for?

Personal finance investing is used for building capital. This capital may then be used to provide an income - possibly right away but more probably to secure an income in retirement.

An example of physical capital would be?

an example of physical capital would be