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Q: Who is the scientist believe in caloric theory?
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Which scientist developed the caloric theory?

There is one version of the caloric theory that was introduced by Antoine Lavoisier. Lavoisier developed the explanation of combustion in terms of oxygen in the 1770s

What is the definition of caloric theory in physics?

Caloric theory said that heat is travelling from hot body to cold one in form of a fluid and this fluid is called as caloric , this is actually the problem because you know that heat is a form of energy where as the scientist presenting the theory says it is a fluid.

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Answer 2 A scientist. He's just believes something else. Uh... religious?

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They did not believe him because all of their theories would be over-thrown by this change of pace in the scientific field of work.

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the scientist were jealous of him

Why did people believe continental drift theory when Wagner first explained it?

the scientist were jealous of him

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Caloric theory.

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I believe that theory is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

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[THEORY] Scientist believe that the sun will stop burning and turn into a black hole in 5 billion years.

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The Atomic Theory