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Q: Who is the scientist that proposed the theory of the origin of the species?
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What is the title of the book Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution?

That book is called On the Origin of Species.

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Darwin is the most famous one and he proposed the Theory of Evolution.

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On The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural Selection, Or the Preservation Of Favored Races In The Struggle For LifeCharles Robert Darwin ( of course! )

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How does Darwin's theory of evolution differ from what scientist believe today?

Darwin's theory of evolution as proposed in "On the Origin of Species" does not differ from what scientists have discovered. The ongoing work still proves the theory today.Bearing in mind that Darwin, and all others, did not know anything about genetics at the time he was writing, it is remarkable that he was able to propose the theory along with Alfred Russel Wallace at the time.

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