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Q: Who is the supreme authority of the France?
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What is supreme authority within states borders called?

Supreme authority within the borders of a state or nation is sovereign authority. It comes from the concept that the king, or sovereign, had supreme authority within the kingdom.

Which term refers to the supreme authority within a states borders?

Supreme authority within the borders of a state or nation is sovereign authority.

Highest authority in the judiaial branch of government?

The Judicial Branch has judicial authority which is the Supreme court.

Who is the Transcendentalists authority?

God is their supreme authority and divine truth.

In what ways was Jesus the supreme authority?

He was the supreme authority in the things he said, and in His miracles. He said power has been given to me from my Father.

Which has the greater authority U.S Supreme Court or the state Supreme Court?

U.S Supreme Court

What term refers to the supreme authority within a states borders?

This term refers to the supreme authority within a state's borders.

What authority does the supreme court over states?

The authority to overrule state courts.

Why is Marbury v. Madison considered to be an important Supreme Court decision?

It established the authority of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of an act of Congress. That is, it resolved that the Supreme Court is the final authority when determining whether a law is Constitutional or not.

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