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Killers whales. They eat practically everything (cetaceans, sirenians, pinnipeds, sea otters, sea turtles, sharks, rays, bony fishes, squid).

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Q: Who is the top predator of the ocean killer whales or blue whales?
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What is the Killer Whale predator?

Yes the killer whale is an apex predator. They will eat anything from great white sharks to birds and they have been even seen trying to take down blue whales !

What is a blue whale's prey or predator?

the blue whale doesn't have no predators unless a group of killer whales attack it

What is a blue whale's predator?

Blue whales only preditor [other then humen] is a killer whale hope it helps

What is a giant squids predator?

Killer Whales,humpback whales,sperm Whales And I Think Blue Whales Too.

What are some whales killer whales kill?

Usually killer whales kill blue whales.

What are the blue whales enemies?

The blue whale's only natural predator is the killer whale. In the 1970s, off Baja California, thirty killer whales were seen attacking an 18 m (60 ft) blue whale, mortally wounding it. Humans are the biggest threat to blue whales. Nearly 99% of the world population of these animals were wiped out over the past century by humans by whaling.

Does a killer whale have the same feeding structure as a blue whale?

The killer whale and blue whale have different feeding structures. Killer whales have teeth because they feed mainly on seals and fish. Blue whales have baleen or rows of filaments that they use to capture krill from the ocean water.

What are blue whales enemies?

A pod of killer whales. sharks

What sea animal eats a whale?

Killer whales. Killer whales are the oceans most apex predators. They have been seen preying on whales including the blue whale.The killer whale itself is actually not a whale it is a dolphin. The reason it is called a killer whale is because researchers and whalers saw the dolphin killing whales so they called it the killer of whales which has been over time shortened to killer whale. :)

Can blue whales eat orcas?

No. Killer Whales are like wolf packs in ocean, they will hunt large baby blue whale, kill and eat them. Blue Whales don't have teeth like Killer Whales (sometimes referred to as Orcas). Blue Whales staple diet is mainly Krill. "Krill is the common name given to the order Euphausiacea of shrimp-like marine crustaceans."

What is a blue whales niche in its ecosystem?

it is the the whole ocean except for polar waters! Also it has producers, consumers, scavengers, decomposers, prey, top predator, and climate. the producer: phytoplanton the consumer: zooplanton the prey: krill, small fish the predator: Killer whale Climate: it depends on season and location

What are the blue whales natural predators?

Killer whales