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Texas cast its 38 electoral votes for Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

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Q: Who is winning the electoral college vote in texas?
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Can a candidate win the presidency without winning the following largest states California Texas New York Florida Pennsylvania and Illinois?

Yes they can. It depends on how the Electoral College chooses to vote. They do not have to vote according to the popular vote in each state. There is a difference between the popular vote and the Electoral College vote.

What role did the electoral college make in the 2000 election?

George Bush became president because of the vote in the electoral college, despite not winning a plurality of the popular vote

How many times has a candidate won the electoral college vote without also winning the popular vote?


What percentage of Texas voted for Mitt Romney?

The popular vote in the state of Texas was 57.2%, winning it's 38 electoral votes.

What candidate should get the electoral vote from Texas?

McCain will receive all 34 Electoral College Votes. Texas is a winner take all State.

Was the last person to lose the election in the Electoral College despite winning most of the popular vote?

Al Gore

What does it mean when the Electoral College rubber stamps the popular vote?

It Means that the Electoral College approves the vote

Does the electoral college vote on policies?

The electoral college does not vote on policies. The electoral college performs only one function. It elects the president of the United States.

How have the political parties changed the electoral college?

The electoral college now reflects each state's popular vote.

Why vote when the electoral college deterimes the outcome?

The popular vote in each state selects the electors who will vote in the Electoral College. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.

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